Final Words

My last words of wisdom to impart to you, the reader, before you embark on your shitcoining journey.

To sum it up, shitcoins are one of the riskiest, and most rewarding asset classes to trade. We like to say β€œrugs, honey, and money” when it comes to them. You WILL get rugged. You WILL lose money. You WILL feel like shit after.

But if you keep at it long enough, hone your skills, and leverage alerts and tools like we provide in the Consortium, while working beside our expert community of shitcoiners - you’re probably going to make it. When you try and fail, you have to be ready to try again.

You will 100% lose before you win, and you have to be able to stomach those losses and keep going until you make it back. Don’t invest more than you’re willing to lose. And most of all, have fun. Shitcoins are like gambling with a modicum of control over the result. When leveraged properly, they can make you astronomical returns from very little investment.

Good luck! Your humble narrator, The Boggartt