Auto-Exit Strategies
Consortium has the most advanced automated exit system available on any DEX trading platform. Automatically take profit at many different intervals on any trade you enter.
Last updated
Consortium has the most advanced automated exit system available on any DEX trading platform. Automatically take profit at many different intervals on any trade you enter.
Last updated
Exit strategies are available on all chains where Consortium provides Limit Orders.
sell initials when market cap is 2x cost base; or
stop loss when the market cap drops by 50%; or
sell 50% of my bag when the market cap goes up 15% and sell the rest of my bag when the market cap goes up 25%.
Whatever strategies you want to design and test to maximize your profit while minimizing your downside is possible. Once you define your strategy, then it's two clicks to apply it to a token. Behind the scenes we'll set the limit orders for you all based on your cost base without you needing to do anything else.
Tip: use the spreadsheet linked here to test out different Exit Strategies and their potential profit when creating a Strategy.
It's also possible to match an exit strategy to a limit buy order or a profile; then, when your limit buy hits or your spot buy with that profile, the CK platform will automatically apply the exit strategy to the token without you needing to do anything. (Of course you can always remove an exit strategy from a token or change the strategy.)
You can even manually enter a cost base marketcap which is helpful if you've been airdropped tokens or transferred tokens from different wallets such that we do not accurately calculate your real cost base.
From the Settings Dashboard, select "Exits"
From The Exits Dashboard, select "Create"
The bot will walk you through Defining the "steps" at which your coin will be sold, and how much you would like to sell at each step (eg. sell initials at 3x, sell 20% of the remaining bag at 5x, etc etc.)
Select what profile to use, and define any additional steps you would like to the strategy
When you're done, Refresh the Exits Strategy Dashboard and select the Strategy to review or change what you've created!
There are several ways you can apply an exit strategy to a position. You can do so manually for a token/position you are in, or even assign an Exit Strategy to a transaction profile or Limit Order to be automatically applied when your trade first is executed.
Select the Trade you want to apply an exit to from your Tokens Dashboard or your Limit Order Dashboard, then press "Exits"
Select the Exit Strategy you would like to apply to that Token/Trade & refresh the menu to see how that exit will apply to the trade.
Done! Now your position will be automatically Exited using the defined criteria in your applied Exit Strategy. If it is a limit order, then the Exit Strategy will be automatically applied right when your trade is executed.
To attach an Exit Strategy to a specific Profile so it is automatically applied to any trade you execute with that Profile, head to the Profiles Dashboard and Edit the Profile you want to attach an Exit to
Select "Exits" when editing your profile, then select the Exit strategy you would like assigned to that Profile
Done! Now, whenever you purchase a token using that Profile, your defined Exit Strategy will be automatically applied to the trade, securing your gains automatically without any effort!
eg. If you have a Profile for your Limit Orders with an Exit Strategy attached, any time your Limit Order triggers using that profile, the Exit Strategy will be automatically applied to the trade - allowing you to enter and exit completely hands-free
If you have a token with an Exit Strategy assigned and you subsequently trade the token via a limit or spot order (eg, you DCA), the strategy that is already on the token will take priority over the strategy on the new order you made. BUT the system will adjust the limit orders from the strategy applied to the token based on your new cost base (since your cost base changes when you buy/sell something). If there is a strategy on the order but not already on the token then the system will apply the strategy to the token based on the new cost base.
You have a token with your "Aggressive" strategy and a cost base of 500k.
You DCA with a profile that uses your "Conservative" strategy.
After your DCA which strategy is applied? The one on the token, so your "Aggressive" strategy is used.
After your DCA which cost base is used? Not the original 500k one, but the new one after your DCA is used (so assuming you're DCAing down all your limit orders will be at the same %ages, but at a lower market cap cause now you've lowered your cost base).
I have designed the following exit strategies using the above spreadsheet, with the goal of getting between 50-65% the same profit as holding the entire bag and full-stacking at the expected ATH. IMO this is a sustainable and realistic result that fully protects downside, while providing tons of upside. They are all also designed to leave a moonbag!
I have designed these strategies based on the expected "X" return i expect to get on the coin from my entry. In other words, if I expect the coin to 20x, i apply the 20x exit Strat, if i expect a 50x I use the 50x strat, etc.
Note: All of these only sell 50% of the remaining bag in their last step (leaving a moonbag) - adjust this to sell 100% in the last step if you don't want moonbags
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 2x (100%) from cost base
Take Profit of 33% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 3x (200%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 40% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 2.5x (150%) from cost base
Take Profit of 33% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 3x (200%) from cost base
Take Profit of 33% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 7.5x (650%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 3x (200%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 7x (600%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 10x (900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 3x (200%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 7.5x (650%) from cost base
Take Profit of 33% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 10x (900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 12.5x (1150%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 15x (1400%) from cost base
This strat gets you out around 54% the profit of holding all to 15x and selling there (if you set the last step to 100% instead of 50%)
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 3x (200%) from cost base
Take Profit of 15% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 10x (900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 15x (1400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 20x (1900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 10x (900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 15x (1400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 20x (1900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 25x (2400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 30x (2900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 5x (400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 10x (900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 15% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 15x (1400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 15% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 20x (1900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 30x (2900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 40x (3900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 45x (4400%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 50x (4900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 6x (500%) from cost base
Take Profit of 10% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 11x (1000%) from cost base
Take Profit of 15% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 26x (2500%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 51x (5000%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 76x (7500%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 101x (10000%) from cost base
Take Profit of 100% of cost at a marketcap increase of 10x (900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 10% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 50x (4900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 20% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 100x (9900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 250x (24900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 33% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 500x (49900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 25% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 750x (74900%) from cost base
Take Profit of 50% of holdings at a marketcap increase of 1000x (99900%) from cost base