Consortium has referral rewards for both individual users & anyone who wants to integrate redirects to the Consortium Bot from their alerts - this pg. outlines both!
User Referrals:
For every user that uses your referral code, receive a lifetime share of 10% of the revenue generated through their volume in the Consortium bot, on all chains!
You will also earn 3 "Locks" (points) for every single user you refer that does a minimum of 1eth of volume through Consortium. Using someone else's referral code to setup your Consortium will earn you 10 Locks! Locks will be used for [redacted].
To Create a Referral Code for other's to use:
Click Settings -> then Settings again -> then click "referral code"
Input a name for your code & refresh the menu to see your code/link
Share that link and profit!
To use someone else's a Referral Code:
Simply follow someone else's referral link/code and setup the bot - that's all you need to do!
Alert Redirects / Deeplinks:
Consortium has a referral structure where you get a % of all revenue generated from users who sign up with us from your deeplinks, on ALL of our supported networks.
To create inbound links with referral codes to Consortium Key bots one will need to use the internal deep linking support that Telegram offers to bots.
You must first join our Discord, then open a ticket & inquire to receive your code, then provide us with revenue-receiving wallets.
One will need to simply create links in the following format by filling in the chainId and contract address into the following format:
To build a buy link with your referral code structure it like so:[CHAIN_ID]_[TOKEN_ADDRESS]_[YOUR_REFERRAL_CODE]
To build a sell link with your referral code structure it like so:[CHAIN_ID]_[TOKEN_ADDRESS]_[YOUR_REFERRAL_CODE]
Please ensure that you have put an underscore _
in between all of the fields.
For the chainId on EVM chains please use the ChainId as an integer without any quote around it (no need to JSON encode this).
For the chainId on other chains please use their chainname lower cased as their chainId (e.g., for Solana use
).For the token's address please also do not quote it or do any JSON encoding. Just add the string into the URL. The referral code you get from us will be a six digit code that will be entered into our system. Please do not stringify that or put quotes around it.
To buy Pepe on ETH use the following link:
To sell Pepe on ETH use the following link:
To buy WIF on SOL use the following link:
To sell WIF on SOL use the following link:
(where 111111
is the assumed referral code you have gotten from us)
Last updated