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Consortiums swap bot Phoebe can be used to trade coins manually, mimic wallets, set limit orders, or even snipe unlaunched tokens!
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Consortiums swap bot Phoebe can be used to trade coins manually, mimic wallets, set limit orders, or even snipe unlaunched tokens!
Last updated
From the Phoebe channel, you can buy, sell, snipe, scan wallet balances, set limit orders, check limit tasks, configure wallet copy-trading, and much more. Phoebe's main menu looks like this:
After configuration, if a token looks good and you want a quick initial entry, you can very easily press quick buy, enter the amount you would like to purchase, and confirm instantly - right from within Consortium's server. Or you could click the "ape" icon on an alert (if you have ape mode enabled) and purchase your default amt in one click.
You can also purchase a specific amount of tokens instead of eth if it has max wallet/max transaction limits. You can put a token qty. or a % of supply you would like to purchase.
Eg. There's a token with max wallet set to 2% (2,000,000,000 tokens). If you want to buy the full max wallet you input "2%" into "token amount". If you instead wanted only 0.5% supply wallet (1,000,000,000 tokens) you could put "0.5%" in this field.
Phoebe can also be used to trade any token contract address in the Phoebe-Trading channel. Using Phoebe in this manner is as quick and easy as hitting start, buy, and then entering the contract and qty. you would like to purchase in the prompt. Simply submit, and the coin has been bought!
When buying/selling with Phoebe now, you will have an extra field for "Profile" in the transactional menu. You can either type in the name of the profile you want to use at that point, or you can simply leave it blank and then be presented with a dropdown of your different profiles to choose between!
This can all be done from within the Phoebe-Trading channel as well. Just navigate to the channel, hit start, then select the coin you purchased from the Token History drop down. In just a few seconds, you will be presented with a menu like the following one, from which you can see the chart with your limit orders, buy/sell tokens, check your profits, and more!
Alternatively, you can click "scanner" to check any wallet in phoebe & see the coins that it holds, sorted by their current value, like the following image:
There are a few server commands that Phoebe can use too! These can all be used with a token address, or with a token name, and allow you to buy, sell, or set limits for that coin right off of the alert.
By pasting a contract address in the bot-commands channel, it will prompt a summary view of the token, with buttons underneath that correspond to the bot commands available in the server and will show you the accompanying command when clicked. An example of that is this:
You can purchase right from this summary alert, set limits, sell, etc. Alternatively, you can type all the different bot commands to manually check tokens - those are outlined here: