💨Auto-Entry Actions/Alerts

Consortium's Auto-Entry/Actions allow for the most robust auto-aping/alerting system that exists anywhere. Filter coins based off many parameters, cross check vs. tracked wallets/channels + more.

Actions can be used to either automatically ape tokens that meet your criteria (or a combination of them), or just to alert you when/if something meets that criteria so you can manually ape. You can also track ETH wallets with this, or copy trade them (adding the filters Actions allow as requirements for those alerts/copytrading)

This system, when combined with our Auto-Exit strategies, results in a fully-automatic trading platform. From scanning, filtering, purchasing, and scaling out in steps - you never have to trade manually again.

Actions are "subscribable", "filterable", and "actionable". All actions derive from a trigger. This could be a token lifecycle event (such as liquidity lock or trading open). This could be a signal from the CK platform (like our Optimal Observer Alert — renamed to Early FOMO). This could be a call in a call room, or a range of other signals. Or it could even be a raw blockchain signal such as wallet tracking.

Actions are also "filterable" meaning that once any trigger is fired, the platform will run it through a set of filters defined by you. Essentially it lets you say, "only take the action if the marketcap is above X or the marketcap to liquidity ratio is under Y or the token is less than Z minutes old." You define these features in a simple to use and easy to understand way just like with our exit strategies.

Finally actions are "actionable". They will (always) send you an alert to one of the CK fleet of bots you choose (we now have over 15 bots you can use) even if you don't configure the auto-aping side of things. They can ALSO auto-buy or auto-sell on your behalf just as pan used to do or other autoentry bots do. Depending on your profile selection they can, of course, have exit strategies automatically added to your buys.

Elites have access to multiple delivery bots from our fleet of bots so you can spread out your alerts if you like. Elites also have access to "meta" actions which allow you to layer individual actions into one higher level action.

eg. If you want to auto-buy/alert if a token hit 5 of your tracked wallets, hit Fomo Alert at least 3 times, and also was called in a specific channel, Elites can now build that with a few clicks in CK.

Configuring Actions/Alerts for Filtered FOMO triggers:

  1. Head to your Algorithms Dashboard and select "Actions"

    1. From here you will have a range of different filterable Actions you can configure (non-elites can have 5, while Elites have unlimited) - note: Elites can combine several of these in the "meta" section to require multiple for an alert or auto ape to be triggered (like needing tracked wallets as well as a CK alpha ping etc.)

      1. Token Lifecycle: Create actions based around events in a tokens lifecycle, like Trading Open, Locking Liquidity, Burning LP, etc.

      2. CK's Alpha: These actions are triggered by either our filtered token Fomo alert (previously known as Optimal Observer), or Degens Buying (triggered when several Consortium Key users are aping the same token in a short time frame)

      3. Added by Users: This will allow you to monitor channels you are a member of (call channels, alert channels, etc.), filter them, and then auto-ape or receive alerts accordingly

      4. BigCap Triggers: Auto-Enter positions on bigcaps (BTC, ETH, ADA, ATOM, AVAX, DOT, OR SOL) based off of our Consortium Cipher divergences being detected, or based off our BTC Long Scalp alerts

      5. Wallet Tracking: Track wallets on ETH, input them in bulk or 1 by 1. Can add filters to the alerted tokens in addition to the wallet aping so you only receive alerts if it meets your criteria

      6. Copy Trade: This allows you to Copy Trade any wallet while also filtering the tokens so they must meet your criteria

  2. Select which you would like to configure (in this example we will do CK Alpha Fomo Alert) and click "create"

  3. Define the filters you would like to apply to the alert. Your options include the following:

    1. Trigger Density: How many times an alert has to trigger in a certain duration to pass your filter

    2. Growth Since 1st trigger: Price change since the first alert was received

    3. Token Chain: What chain the token is on

    4. Market cap: Minimum/maximum market caps

    5. Token Symbol: Define words/letters that must be included, or that you wish to exclude

    6. Token Age: minimum/maximum token age

    7. Token Address: Specify an address to include/exclude for a trigger to happen

    8. Dormant: How many dormant wallets are in

    9. Fresh: How many fresh wallets are in

    10. Buy Tax: Min/max buy taxes

    11. Sell Tax: Min/max sell taxes

    12. Max TX: Min/max transaction limits for how much supply can be purchased in one tx

    13. Max Wallet: Min/max limits for how much supply of the token a wallet can hold

    14. Liq Amt: Min/max liquidity on the pair

    15. MC:LP Ratio: define min/max ratios of market cap to liquidity. (if market cap is 100k and lp is 10k, Divide 100 by 10 to get your ratio. In this case it's 10)

    16. Total Buys: Min/max amount of buys

    17. Total Sells: min/max amount of sells

    18. Renounce Status: Require the coin be renounced or not

    19. Verification Status: Require the coin to be verified or not

  4. Specify if you would like it to auto trade or just alert you, and select the bot that will receive the Action/Alert. Refresh & click your Action to edit it at any point

    1. Filters: Lets you reset or add to your filter

    2. Work: Want to auto trade the Action or just alert?

    3. Delivery: Which bot do you want to receive the Action

Note: The purpose of choosing a different delivery bot for receiving actions/alerts vs. the main CK bot you use to transact is so you can keep your main transacting bot clear of additional messages, as well as route alerts you don't want to see to a different bot

(eg. you have several Actions created so you can combine them into one Meta Action, but you dont want to see the individual Actions/Alerts - only the meta one. In this case, you route the individual Actions to a Consortium Bot channel that you don't use/mute, and then you route the Meta Action to Deliver to the bot you DO want to see/check)

An example of a Fomo alert you will receive from the above configuration:

Key Buyers Key:

💀: Dormant | 👶: Fresh | 🐳: Whale | 🥬: Green Fresh (aka exchange funded/fresh) | 🎅: Fatty

Configuring Token Lifecycle Actions/Alerts

You can use our Actions system to receive alerts and/or auto-buy at different stages of a tokens lifecycle like Trading Open, or Locking/Burning Liquidity!

  1. Head to your Algorithms Dashboard and select "Actions", then "Token LifeCycle"

  2. Select "Create", and choose the lifecycle trigger you would like for this action (for this example we will do Trading Open)

  3. Add any filters you want to this action (like those listed above)

  4. Specify if you would like it to auto trade or just alert you, and select the bot that will receive the Action/Alert. Refresh & click your Action to edit it at any point.

Done! You'll now receive alerts and/or auto buy every Trading Open that matches your specified filters/criteria - it will look like the following:

Configuring User Generated Actions

User Generated actions allow you to monitor call channels, alert channels, chat rooms, etc. and build filters/Actions around tokens received through there.

Everyone only has the ability to setup ONE User Generated action, however, using any of the auto forwarding bots you can route in mulitple call rooms or other channels into the bot. Or, even better work with your friends.

  1. Join the https://t.me/CK_Listen_Bot channel for the Consortium Key listening Bot

  2. Setup an auto-forwarding bot like https://t.me/Auto_Forward_Messages_Bot to forward whatever messages you want TO the CK Listening Bot.

  3. Head to your Algorithms Dashboard and select "Actions", then "Added By Users"

  4. Select "Create", and either create your own Trigger, or select one that has been created by another user! (you can choose to share your User Generated Actions with other CK users, or keep it private for yourself)

  5. Add any filters you want to this action (like those listed above)

  6. Specify if you would like it to auto trade or just alert you, and select the bot that will receive the Action/Alert. Refresh & click your Action to edit it at any point.

Done! You'll now receive alerts to the Consortium bot you specified them to Deliver to and/or auto ape them! If you're an Elite, you can also combine this filter with any of the others (like wallet tracking, trading open, etc.) to create Actions that must meet ALL of the requirements of ALL of the Actions you combine.

Configuring Meta Actions (Elites Only)

Metas means combining Actions to require several for a trigger to occur. Like needing Wallets you track being in, as well as hitting CK fomo, and being mentioned in one of your user defined channels

  1. Once you have created several actions you want to combine, select "Meta" and click "Create"

  2. Select which combination of Actions you have created that you want to define the trigger

  1. Define how many times you want the trigger to occur for you to receive an alert, as well as the time frame those alerts need to be received relative to eachother (eg. 2 alerts in 25 minutes = trigger)

    1. Note: it takes into account the "whole" Time Frame. So let's say you have a Meta with 2 wallets and 1 TO. What you want is the WHOLE window from TO to when the second wallet fired. (so like 30 minutes or something would mean that within a 30 minute window TO fired plus two of my wallet alerts fired for that token).

    2. If you want to receive any/all Actions that meet your criteria within any time frame, set the Time Frame to something like 999h

  2. Add any additional Actions you want to the Meta actions and choose if you want it to auto ape or just alert you when the filter pass.

If there is an Exit Strategy attached to your Profile, that will be automatically applied to any purchases that are automatically entered, giving you a completely hands-off experience of purchasing and scaling out of a token.

Last updated