Private Guilds

A guild is a private channel for you to use for commands, alerts, wallet tracking, etc. They can also be shared with other Elite tier users if you all agree to share!

Elite Guilds are private channels within the Consortium that Elites can have made for themselves (or to share with other Elite members of their choice) where they can privately use bot commands, monitor/track wallets, and use any other Elite tools we introduce to guilds without the rest of the Consortium having visibility (like in the public bot commands channel) To have your guild made, simply Open a Ticket once you have your Elite role, and we will make it for you. From there you will gain access to two fully private channels, one for alerts/tools/commands, and another for discussions etc.

If you want to share your guild with another Elite Degen, you can simply mention it to us when you ask for it to be created - or ask us to add the user later at any point!

Private rooms keep you away from prying eyes in public bot commands channels, where others may be watching your activity and what you are looking at. They also provide the means for fully private, Phoebe-integrated Wallet Tracking (which we will outline further into this document).

Last updated